13435630187  business@yinuolight.com

Mini Pearl 1024B

  • PID:YN-DMX-01
  • Wechat:13435630187
  • Phone: 13435630187
  • Tel: 13435630187
  • Email: business@yinuolight.com

• DMX512 channel count: 1024 • Number of computer light connections: 96
• Computer light reconnection address code: supported
Horizontal and vertical switching of lighting fixtures: supports inverted output of lighting channel: supports
Lamp channel sliding mode switch: supported
Maximum control channels available for each computer light: 40 main channels+40 fine tuning channels
• Lamp library: Supports pearl R20 lamp library • Number of scenes that can be saved: 60
• Number of scenarios that can run simultaneously: 10+steps Total number of steps for scenarios: 600
• Time control of the scene: fade in, fade out, LTP sliding
• Number of graphics stored in each scene: 5 Putters to activate the scene and adjust the lighting: Supported
Interlocking scenario: support point control scenario: support
Graphics generator: can generate Dimmer, P/T, RGB, CMY,
• Color, Gobo, Iris, Focus graphics • Number of graphics that can run simultaneously: 5
• Main control push rod: global, replay, lighting • Immediate blackout: support
• Rotary table adjustment channel value: supported • Pusher adjustment channel value: supported
• Push rod dimming: support • USB drive reading: support FAT33 format
• Create/edit light library: supported • Program backup and recovery: supported