13435630187  business@yinuolight.com

MA2 Mini Light command wing

  • PID:YN-DMX-20
  • Wechat:13435630187
  • Phone: 13435630187
  • Tel: 13435630187
  • Email: business@yinuolight.com

: Combined with other MA series consoles for real-time control of 1536 channels (up to 65,536 channels backup on SX system)
: With flank expansion up to 3584 channels
: Similar to the MA2 layout command
: 2 A/B fader (100mm)
: Level 1 wheel
: Independent backlight Dimmable silent (no noise) key
: Integrated universal power supply
: Light, convenient and rock-solid
: Ergonomic design
: Simply connect to any PC running MA Series console onPC via USB

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